
Here we provide several simple examples for the use of SAMMIpy. Each example is supposed to be more complex than the next, and is intended to exemplify as many different functionalities of SAMMIpy as possible. Each example can be run using sammi.test(n), where n refers to the example number provided here.

To start, load the following libraries:

import cobra
import cobra.test
import numpy as np
import sammi

0. Plot entire model

To plot the entire model simply call sammi.plot() on the COBRA model. This is not advisable for medium to large models as the visualization may be too large to render.

#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook")
#Plot file to default index_load.html

1-2. Divide the model into subgraphs using model annotation

  1. Maps can be divided into subgraphs using model annotation. For instance, users can plot a subgraph for each annotated reaction subsystem:
#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("salmonella")
  1. Or plot a map for each cellular compartment:
#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook")

3. Plot and visualize multiple maps

By default, SAMMI outputs the visualization to a file names index.load.html in the package folder. Therefore, by default, every time a new visualization is generated this file is overwritten. The name of the output file can be changed, however, in order to not overwrite files. For instance:

#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("salmonella")
#Generate options. This will not load a new tab upon generating the visualization
opts = sammi.options(load = False)
#Plot file to default index_load.html
sammi.plot(model,'subsystem',opts = opts)
#Generate option for new name
opts = sammi.options(htmlName = 'index_load2.html',load = False)
#Plot file to default index_load.html
sammi.plot(model,'compartment',opts = opts)
#Open files in new tabs

4. Plot only user-defined reactions

For a quick visualization of a given group of reactions users can plot only certain reactions in a single graph.

#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook")

#Define reactions
tca = ['ACONTa','ACONTb','AKGDH','CS','FUM','ICDHyr','MDH','SUCOAS']
gly = ['ENO','FBA','FBP','GAPD','PDH','PFK','PGI','PGK','PGM','PPS','PYK','TPI']
ppp = ['G6PDH2r','GND','PGL','RPE','RPI','TALA','TKT1','TKT2']
dat = tca + gly + ppp


5. Shelve secondary metabolites on load

In order to shelve secondary metabolites upon rendering the model, define the secondaries input to the plot function. If this argument is defined, any metabolite, matching any of the defined regular expressions, will be shelved. These metabolites can be returned to the graph using the floating menu window.

#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook")

#Define reactions
tca = ['ACONTa','ACONTb','AKGDH','CS','FUM','ICDHyr','MDH','SUCOAS']
gly = ['ENO','FBA','FBP','GAPD','PDH','PFK','PGI','PGK','PGM','PPS','PYK','TPI']
ppp = ['G6PDH2r','GND','PGL','RPE','RPI','TALA','TKT1','TKT2']
dat = tca + gly + ppp

#Define secondaries
secondaries = ['^h_.$','^h2o_.$','^atp_.$','^adp_.','^pi_.','^o2_.','^co2_.','^nad_.','^nadh_.','^nadp_.','^nadph_.']

sammi.plot(model,dat,secondaries = secondaries)

6. Plot multiple user-defined subgraphs

Users can also plot multiple subgraphs with their defined reactions. To do so, define an instance of sammi.parser() for each subgraph:

#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook")

#Define reactions
tca = ['ACONTa','ACONTb','AKGDH','CS','FUM','ICDHyr','MDH','SUCOAS']
gly = ['ENO','FBA','FBP','GAPD','PDH','PFK','PGI','PGK','PGM','PPS','PYK','TPI']
ppp = ['G6PDH2r','GND','PGL','RPE','RPI','TALA','TKT1','TKT2']

#Initialize class
dat = [sammi.parser('TCA cycle',tca),
    sammi.parser('Pentose Phosphate Pathway',ppp)]

7-8. Data mapping

  1. Add data to plotted subgraphs. In this example we are generating random data and mapping it onto the desired reactions. Using sammi.parser() users can directly map data as reaction colors:
#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook")

#Define reactions
tca = ['ACONTa','ACONTb','AKGDH','CS','FUM','ICDHyr','MDH','SUCOAS']
gly = ['ENO','FBA','FBP','GAPD','PDH','PFK','PGI','PGK','PGM','PPS','PYK','TPI']
ppp = ['G6PDH2r','GND','PGL','RPE','RPI','TALA','TKT1','TKT2']

#Initialize class
dat = [sammi.parser('TCA cycle',tca,np.random.rand(len(tca))),
    sammi.parser('Pentose Phosphate Pathway',ppp,np.random.rand(len(ppp)))]
  1. Alternatively, users can map data onto the map using sammi.data(). The following example maps five sets of random data, each in a different way, with three conditions each.
#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("salmonella")

#Get reactions and metabolites
rx = [f.id for f in model.reactions]
met = [m.id for m in model.metabolites]

#Generate random data to plot
datat = [sammi.data('reactions','color',np.random.rand(len(rx),3),rx,['c1','c2','c3']),

#Introduce NAs
for k in range(len(datat)):
    for i in range(datat[k].data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(datat[k].data.shape[1]):
            if np.random.rand(1)[0] < 0.1:
                datat[k].data[i,j] = float('nan')

#Define secondaries
secondaries = ['^h_.$','^h2o_.$','^atp_.$','^adp_.','^pi_.','^o2_.','^co2_.','^nad_.','^nadh_.','^ndap_.','^ndaph_.']

sammi.plot(model,'subsystem',datat = datat,secondaries = secondaries,opts = sammi.options(load=True))

9. Change map upon load

SAMMI options also allow users to change visualization parameters upon loading the model. This can be done by adding JavaScript code to the end of the visualization. To use this advanced feature users need to be familiar with JavaScript and need to familiarize themselves with the SAMMI visualization html layout. The following code loads the previous map, changes the visualization to the Citric Acid Cycle subgraph, and changes the colorscale upon loading.

#Get sample model to plot
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("salmonella")

#Get reactions and metabolites
rx = [f.id for f in model.reactions]
met = [m.id for m in model.metabolites]

#Generate random data to plot
datat = [sammi.data('reactions','color',np.random.rand(len(rx),3),rx,['c1','c2','c3']),

#Introduce NAs
for k in range(len(datat)):
    for i in range(datat[k].data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(datat[k].data.shape[1]):
            if np.random.rand(1)[0] < 0.1:
                datat[k].data[i,j] = float('nan')

#Define secondaries
secondaries = ['^h_.$','^h2o_.$','^atp_.$','^adp_.','^pi_.','^o2_.','^co2_.','^nad_.','^nadh_.','^ndap_.','^ndaph_.']

#Generate javascript
jscode = 'x = document.getElementById("onloadf1");' + \
'x.value = "Citric Acid Cycle";' + \
'onLoadSwitch(x);' + \
'document.getElementById("fluxmin").valueAsNumber = -0.1;' + \
'document.getElementById("fluxmax").valueAsNumber = 0.1;' + \
'fluxmin = -0.1; fluxmax = 0.1;' + \
'document.getElementById("edgemin").value = "#ff0000";' + \
'document.getElementById("edgemax").value = "#0000ff";' + \
'document.getElementById("addrxnbreak").click();' + \
'document.getElementsByClassName("rxnbreakval")[0].value = 0;' + \
'document.getElementsByClassName("rxnbreakcol")[0].value = "#c0c0c0";' + \

sammi.plot(model,'subsystem',datat = datat,secondaries = secondaries,opts = sammi.options(load=True,jscode=jscode))

10. Type-III Pathways

Type-III pathways are thermodynamically infeasible loops within the model that do not involve exchange reactions. Here we visualize some of these pathways. We first block all exchange reactions and perform FVA to determine reactions still able to carry flux. Next, we optimize each of these reactions using pFBA to determine the smallest possible Type-III pathway involving the reaction. This example might take a couple of minutes to run.

from cobra.flux_analysis import flux_variability_analysis
from cobra.flux_analysis.loopless import add_loopless, loopless_solution
#Get model and tailor
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("salmonella")
model.reactions.get_by_id('ATPM').lower_bound = 0
model.reactions.get_by_id('ATPM').upper_bound = 1000
rxns = [r.id for r in model.reactions]
#Close exchange reactions
medium = model.medium
for i in model.medium:
    medium[i] = 0.0
model.medium = medium
#Perform FVA on the model
fva = flux_variability_analysis(model,fraction_of_optimum = 0)
fva.maximum[fva.maximum < 1e-03] = 0
fva.minimum[fva.minimum > -1e-03] = 0
dat = []
#Parse through positive reactions
for i in range(len(fva.maximum)):
    if fva.maximum[i] != 0:
        model.objective = model.reactions[i]
        flux = cobra.flux_analysis.pfba(model)
        flux.fluxes[abs(flux.fluxes) < 1e-3] = 0
        tmp = abs(flux.fluxes) >= 1e-3
        dat.append(sammi.parser(model.reactions[i].id + ' positive',list(flux.fluxes[tmp].index),list(flux.fluxes[tmp].values)))
#Parse through negative reactions
for i in range(len(fva.minimum)):
    if fva.minimum[i] != 0:
        model.objective = model.reactions[i]
        model.reactions[i].objective_coefficient = -1
        flux = model.optimize()
        flux = cobra.flux_analysis.pfba(model)
        flux.fluxes[abs(flux.fluxes) < 1e-3] = 0
        tmp = abs(flux.fluxes) >= 1e-3
        dat.append(sammi.parser(model.reactions[i].id + ' negative',list(flux.fluxes[tmp].index),list(flux.fluxes[tmp].values)))

11. Metabolic Adaptation

Visualize adaptation to gene knockout. In short, the following code performs the following steps for each reaction we wish to simulate.

  1. Simulate reaction knockout and get maximum growth rate on KO model.
  2. Set upper and lower bound growth rate on wild-type model to KO growth rate and calculate a loopless flux distribution.
  3. Using MOMA, calculate a flux distribution in the knockout strain that closely matches the flux distribution in the previous step.
  4. Find the difference in flux distributions in steps two and three and plot them.

This process allows users to visualize how the flux was rewired in the knockout strain. This example may take a couple of minutes to run.

from cobra.flux_analysis import single_reaction_deletion, moma
from cobra.flux_analysis.loopless import add_loopless, loopless_solution

#Get model
model = cobra.test.create_test_model("ecoli")
#Set objective
model.objective = "Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M"
#Initialize parsing list
dat = []
#Define reactions to simulate knockout
korxns = ['ENO','FBA','TKT2','TALA','FUM','MDH','GAPD','TPI']
#Simulate reaction knockout
for r in korxns:
    with model:
        #Save original bounds
        lb = model.reactions.get_by_id(r).lower_bound
        ub = model.reactions.get_by_id(r).upper_bound
        #Set objective to KO
        objval = model.optimize().objective_value
        model.reactions.get_by_id("Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M").upper_bound = objval
        model.reactions.get_by_id("Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M").lower_bound = objval
        #Restore bounds
        model.reactions.get_by_id(r).lower_bound = lb
        model.reactions.get_by_id(r).upper_bound = ub
        #Calculate objective
        flux = loopless_solution(model)
        #Calculate adaptation
        koflux = cobra.flux_analysis.moma(model,solution=flux)
        tmp = flux.fluxes - koflux.fluxes
        bol = abs(tmp) > 1e-7
        x = tmp[bol]
        dat.append(sammi.parser(r + ' - ' + str(round(objval,4)),list(x.index),list(x)))
        #Restore bounds again
        model.reactions.get_by_id(r).lower_bound = lb
        model.reactions.get_by_id(r).upper_bound = ub
        model.reactions.get_by_id("Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M").upper_bound = 1000
        model.reactions.get_by_id("Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M").lower_bound = 0
#Define secondaries
secondaries = ['^h_.$','^h2o_.$','^atp_.$','^adp_.','^pi_.','^o2_.','^co2_.','^nad_.','^nadh_.','^ndap_.','^ndaph_.',\
#Plot difference in scatterplot
sammi.plot(model,dat,secondaries = secondaries)